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NEM Price Chart (XEM/JPY)

-3.21 %
24 Hour High 24 Hour Low Market Capitalization
3.371 JPY
3.217 JPY
29,321,999,996.742 JPY
*The reference price is calculated using the mid-price at the current point in time. The actual execution price may differ.
*bitFlyer commenced handling on August 6, 2020 at 1:00 PM. The prices displayed on the chart from before handling commenced are reference information.

Virtual currency / JPY charts

What is NEM?

NEM (XEM) is a crypto asset developed for the New Economy Movement network. The goal of NEM is to establish a new economic framework based on the principles of decentralization, economic freedom, and equality, rather than the existing frameworks managed by countries and governments. NEM uses a special consensus algorithm called Proof of Importance (PoI) which is designed to make it easier to reward people who contribute to the community. Through PoI, the time to approve each block is about 1 minute. This is because it does not require computers to perform advanced calculations as seen in Proof of Work (PoW) algorithms.
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  • Q:
    What is the smallest amount of NEM I can buy?
    You can buy NEM with as little as 1 JPY. The minimum order size for NEM on Buy/Sell is 0.000001 XEM.
  • Q:
    How much is the NEM trading fee?
    There is no trading fee for NEM on Buy/Sell, but there is a spread. More information can be found here.
  • Q:
    How much is the withdrawal fee for NEM?
    The NEM withdrawal fee is 3 XEM. More information can be found here.
  • Q:
    When can I trade NEM?
    NEM can be traded 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including weekends and holidays (excludes maintenance times).
  • Q:
    Can I use bitFlyer on my smartphone?
    bitFlyer Wallet supports everything from account creation to trading. You can download it for free from the App Store and Google Play.
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